Last Thursday, Free Company finally defeated the Lich King after two months of weekly attempts. I'll quote what Andrew, our raid leader, posted on our guild forums about it:
We first faced the LK on the third of June
We killed him on the fifth of August
I have logs from seven days worth of attempts
We killed the LK on our 76th attempt
According to GuildOx we are the 56th guild on our server to kill him
GuildOx claims that only 36.61% of the guilds in the world have done that
Using their 10 man casual ranking we are ranked as the 15th best guild on the server
It's a good feeling to finally be able to call myself Ascanius the Kingslayer. It's also funny to note, as Kate did, that our other tank - Lexa's gnome warrior - was carrying the ilevel 200 Titansteel Shield Wall when we killed the Lich King.
We didn't stop there, though! On Monday night, we ventured back in to Ulduar, and look what happened:
Yes, we finally defeated Algalon the Observer. The amusing thing about this attempt was that Ian came along - the first time he'd ever faced Algalon at all - and we succeeded on our third attempt of the night. He commented afterward that he didn't really feel like he'd earned it!
This leaves me with, really, only one more raiding achievement that I'd like to earn before Cataclysm: Glory of the Ulduar Raider and its Rusted Proto-Drake reward. Fortunately for me, Ascanius only needs two more achievements in order to attain that: I Love The Smell of Saronite in the Morning and One Light in the Darkness. Unfortunately, plenty of other people still need much more difficult achievements like Firefighter, but I don't mind helping them get there.
My next post will probably address beta talents for Fire mages again, now that we've had some time with the redesign.
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